
Backlinks Building Techniques for SEO

Table of Contents

What are backlinks?
Why are backlinks important?
What are some ways you can safely build backlinks in 2022?

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are hypertext connections from other websites that point to a page on your website. They are also known as “inbound links” or “incoming links.” There are two instances of backlinks: Whenever a third-party website:

  1. links back to your website and sources your information
  2. shares a link to your website so that their readers may visit it and recommends it as a resource.

Why are backlinks important?

Since sites with more backlinks are more likely to rank higher on the SERP, backlinks are crucial for SEO and generating organic traffic. A substantial number of links pointing back to your website increase the worth of your web authority and your SEO authority on a bigger scale.

There is a significant caveat. While adding spammy links might result in your website being de-indexed, high-quality links are one of the top ranking variables Google uses. Black hat link-building is currently being deliberately devalued by Google’s algorithms(opens in a new tab). Google will rather deliver value to websites that merit it by featuring well-written and enlightening material that offers readers the optimal user experience.

There are tactics you can do to increase your chances of having reputable websites locate, reference, and link back to your material, enhancing your backlink SEO, even if backlinking isn’t fully in our control since anybody may connect to your site.

What are some ways you can safely build backlinks in 2023?

Five ways to safely build backlinks are:

  1. Be PR worthy
  2. Position your content as the expert resource
  3. Create infographics and other easily sharable visualizations
  4. Build a social community
  5. Bookmark your work

Let’s dive deeper into each backlink strategy:

1. Be PR-worthy

Adopt a PR-focused content strategy centred on extremely beneficial, educational, and valuable material:

Make material that news outlets, bloggers, and others who are creating content comparable to yours are likely to use as a source. Make reference to previously shared content
Make it a priority to post timely news and updates so that people may locate your material first.
Make connections with authors and business publishers.
Utilise guest posts from reliable partners.

2. Position your content as the expert resource

Consider how people in your sector could look for and source your work in the same manner that you think about what subjects to write about.

Write unique “skyscraper” or “ultimate guides” with readily shared and pertinent advice, suggestions, quotations, data, etc., particularly as part of:

  • Large scale comprehensive reports
  • Glossaries
  • Lists
  • Step-based processes
  • ‘Why’ and ‘What’ based content

3. Infographics and shareable visualizations

Do you have any insightful data that might be arranged in a fascinating infographic? If the answer is yes, you should put this strategy at the top of your list.

Create a fantastic infographic and distribute it to your contacts as website content. To increase traffic, blog owners are constantly seeking for readily shared material. Giving readers a substantial portion of a page where they only need to write a few hundred words will easily inspire them to share your work.

Additionally, you may email brand-new blogs in your sector with your infographic.

Besides infographics, other examples of useful visualizations are:

  • Graphs and charts
  • Downloadable reports
  • Interactive experiences
  • Videos

4. Build a social community

Create a group of people who will rely on you for the knowledge you share.

The first and most obvious approach to create a community is through social media. They will voluntarily choose to connect to or follow your page, which will result in them naturally seeing your postings. Compared to a sponsored post that they happen to stumble upon, they will be more likely to share this one. It’s still necessary to be relative with the information, but it’s getting simpler to notice organic social outcomes thanks to Facebook’s organic post targeting.

Another excellent strategy for developing a community is to personally contact influential people in the field. Due to the fact that they will receive a notification to both their email and the LinkedIn app on their phone, direct messaging on LinkedIn can produce excellent results.

Outreach via social media does not have to be the only option. A high conversion rate may be achieved by building an email list of people who have previously shared your content. This will take more time to establish, but with this technique, more people will undoubtedly share and submit your information on other websites.

5. Bookmark your work

A content marketer’s primary responsibility is to produce content. The next step would be to get it into the appropriate channels.

Share your material on channels that are available to your target audience to encourage interaction and networking so that they may like and upvote it. You can submit to important social media platforms that can provide you with excellent links and value.

Reddit:Not every link has merit, but it appears that if it receives enough votes and traffic to the post, Majestic/Moz will recognise the link. They start off as No Follows.

LinkedIn Pulse/Groups:Each group has its own unique social environment. Despite the fact that they are no follow links, the shares they generate might increase site authority.

Mix:The new StumbleUpon platform collects links from all around the internet and distributes them to readers who might be interested.

Even while these channels don’t provide you with direct connections, they can increase the exposure of your material and create new prospects for links. You may have more hyperlinks for your material the more individuals you can reach through them.


With so much information available, websites need to be particularly inventive when it comes to creating high quality content that will attract high quality connections. Your brand, community, authority, and traffic will grow as a result of these strategies, along with time and patience.

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